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March 14, 2007


My story of how root canals nearly killed my wife and lots of other people too. http://aubreypub.typepad.com/writing/2004/12/download_diagno.html

Can't say I agree, but I'm one of those very small percentage of people who just don't get numb with traditional anesthetic. My dentist had to use interosseous anesthetic, and even then when it got to the pulp it HURT. The tooth didn't hurt before or after the root canal, but during - well, at one point the pain was bad enough that my vision blacked out. Don't know what I'll do if I ever have to go through that again.

I think it is worth pointing out that, quite aside from the issue of whether or not a root canal procedure will be painful, there is a minority opinion (which I share) that root canals are a wrongheaded approach to dental care which are inherently destructive to the patient's health. Dental health is an excellent indicator of the health of the entire organism--no surprise, as nature does not compartmentalize things in the way that humans do. Dental problems are indicative of changes which need to be made to one's diet and lifestyle. Root canals completely miss this point and set the patient up for a host of other problems. I would recommend having a look at the following:


My sister dentist had to use interosseous anesthetic, and even then when it got to the pulp it HURT,and i found out its true when i also undergo this procedure.

by: alpha

the service is really good - every doctor I have seen there has been very helpful. The only thing I don't like is that fact you have to wait a min of 2 hours each time you go and you can't make appointments in advance, you just have to rock up and hope your doctor is free; otherwise you go in a queue to see the next available
Sydney Dentist

"The Endodontist's Association has talked about a PR campaign to change public opinion," its very informative if that so.


hey great story about Root canal is nothing to fear I really enjoyed reading thanks for tell us

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