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March 10, 2007



My daughter is going to be six, so I'm not *that* precocious. But thanks for the vote of confidence! I guess it would put me at around 15 years old. And I was precocious back then...................ah Maricela, I remember that mini skirt and those purple leg warmers................but, I digress. And Maricela never gave me the time of day. Anyway, as soon as I convince my 41 year old body that it's really 21, I'll be happy to go a sparring round with you. Just remember my bad back, and my knees......and my sholders.....

Eric, thanks for correcting your daughter's age. Since my own adjusted age now is only 38, it must not have been senility that made me think she was eight rather than six.

It probably was because she is so intelligent, eloquent, and charming, she seems older to me. It's great that she takes so much after your wife. I think she has your chin, though.

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