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February 20, 2007


That was an interesting piece. I have never seen that show even though I have liked Keifer Sutherland in other things. I avoid all violent programs unless I see some reason I need to see them and this one didn't fall under that category. I wonder if Bush is a fan...

I am sure that Bush and his VP and Generals sit around the Whitehouse watching 24 all the time. In fact, I am sure that the right-wing co-creator probably has a direct link to the Joint Chiefs hotline, no doubt to gather additional creative material directly from the right wingers themselves.

Rain, I'd bet Bush is a "24" fan, given that The New Yorker article says that the show is a favorite of administration officials.

If you've never seen "24," you won't fully appreciate this parody I noticed on YouTube:

It's pretty good. Now Jack Bauer is bringing torture to pre-schools!

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