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January 05, 2007


Allright! You go Brian! I do hope the editing room is kind to you and Laurel (and Serena, of course). It *is* an important issue and I'm glad to see people involved in it......even though I admit I am not. You do have my support.

Eric, we just finished watching a recording of our appearances on the 4:30 and 5:00 news. The good, um, news is that Serena was shown several times.

Not so good: I look damn old. And I forgot to tell the cameraman, "No filming of my bald spot!"

Overall, KATU did a fine job. I'm impressed how they can put together a story in such a short time.

The shot of me drinking water did air. But thankfully it was brief. And not close up. Maybe prayers do work. (see original post for what I mean).

Perhaps the camera made you look older, but you certainly came across as a very good-looking couple. The video did you greater justice than the still capture on your blog.

Idler, thanks. Someone else just told me that I looked fine on the news. Maybe I'm too critical of myself. Or maybe I have a skewed impression of how I actually look. I try to blur my eyes when I stand in front of a mirror. That's my age-reducing technique, but it also is reality-obscuring.

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