Laurel and I were just interviewed at home by KATU, Portland Channel 2. We talked about the Measure 37 claim adjacent to our neighborhood—how a large proposed subdivision on farmland threatens the right of people already living here to not have their wells go dry.
I’m not usually a praying sort of guy. But I won’t object if you want to pray, “Dear _____, please make sure that KATU doesn’t put on air the close-up of Brian sitting at a table drinking a glass of water. Or at least, that the video is blurred.” (like the photo above; recently got a new camera; still learning how to focus, obviously)
Possible air times today (Friday) are 4:30-6:00, 6:30-7:00, and 11:00. Of course, we might be bumped by a traffic accident, fire, or animal story, these being the main focus of Portland TV news, based on our viewing experience.
I think we sounded moderately coherent. Editing, of course, will reduce us to a few short sound bites. Hopefully our dog will make it into the cut. If so, we’ll be waiting by the phone for offers from Hollywood to have Serena appear as an animal extra (or even lead).
A waterfall on the creek that runs through our property got filmed quite a bit by the cameraman, who thought it was beautiful. We emphasized that the water comes from the aquifer on which the subdivision would be built.
And that Larry Eaton, a hydrogeologist hired by Spring Lake Estates and the Keep Our Water Safe committee (chaired by Laurel) says that the subdivision’s forty three wells could suck dry the springs feeding the creek.
If KATU airs our story I’ll be sure to YouTube it, plus post a link to the Channel 2 archive if it’s viewable there. Even if I’m shown in an unflattering fashion. At first I was worried about whether the cameraman was on my good side during the water drinking scene.
Then I realized that both sides are my gray side, so what’s the difference, really? Anyway, I’m pleased to sacrifice my ego in order to publicize the horror show that Measure 37 has become.
The governor and legislature need to put this travesty of a law on hold until it can be fixed. Click on over to Jim Gilbert’s online petition and ask them to do just that.
Allright! You go Brian! I do hope the editing room is kind to you and Laurel (and Serena, of course). It *is* an important issue and I'm glad to see people involved in it......even though I admit I am not. You do have my support.
Posted by: Eric | January 05, 2007 at 04:37 PM
Eric, we just finished watching a recording of our appearances on the 4:30 and 5:00 news. The good, um, news is that Serena was shown several times.
Not so good: I look damn old. And I forgot to tell the cameraman, "No filming of my bald spot!"
Overall, KATU did a fine job. I'm impressed how they can put together a story in such a short time.
The shot of me drinking water did air. But thankfully it was brief. And not close up. Maybe prayers do work. (see original post for what I mean).
Posted by: Brian | January 05, 2007 at 06:08 PM
Perhaps the camera made you look older, but you certainly came across as a very good-looking couple. The video did you greater justice than the still capture on your blog.
Posted by: Idler | January 08, 2007 at 03:59 PM
Idler, thanks. Someone else just told me that I looked fine on the news. Maybe I'm too critical of myself. Or maybe I have a skewed impression of how I actually look. I try to blur my eyes when I stand in front of a mirror. That's my age-reducing technique, but it also is reality-obscuring.
Posted by: Brian | January 08, 2007 at 07:21 PM