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January 27, 2007


I think this sad state of affairs is due to a couple of things -- first, since 9/11, it seems that the news media finds it important to constantly remind the public of perceived and real "threats" to personal security-- terrorism, random crime, etc. This type of fear-reporting also doesn't require any initiative on their part (crime is going to happen regardless, and gives them something to cover), hence they don't have to keep abreast of the "real" news that's out there and provide substantive reports on that. They can sit in their office and wait for the news to come to them.

I seldom watch the news. When I saw the news about the missing plane, I thought about the plane I saw on Saturday, only to find out the plane was yellow like the one I saw. I saw a yellow plane fly extremely low and then fly parallel south between Hwy. 99 and I-5

I purchased a computer threw Blue Hippo .com
I paided $2100.00 . It was paided off in full in July 2008 , they still havent sent me the stuff that I paided for . How can I get the computer or full money back Iam a single parent of 3 kids , and I think Ihave been Frauded . WHAT CAN I DO , HOW CAN I GET SOME HELP to get the merchandise that I paided for ....PLEASE HELP and give me some information or who can help me ?

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