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November 19, 2006


heheh. i worked as a petitioner in salem for about 3 weeks in may (you know, those people who try to get you to sign stuff -- all those ballot measures you just voted on)... and my impression was pretty bleak. i had never spent any time there previous to that job, and i don't think i ever will again (i lived in portland for 7 years and plan to go back). it was a shitty place to petition, too. no people.

another petitioner, this 50 year old alcoholic nutcase, fell in love with me and it kind of drove him over the edge, so to speak -- i was engaged to be married. shortly after i left he was admited to a mental hospital... i was imagining that it was the one from "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" -- that's in salem, right?

my salem experience, "salem is such a shithole": http://division-day.diaryland.com/060611_36.html

Very funny on Salem. I love Portland, enjoy my time there, but I also like living in the country and mostly city is a place I go when I need things or in Portland's case, want a stroll along the waterfront. I have always thought the ideal life would be country home one place and downtown apartment somewhere like the Pearl or maybe up near the Park Blocks-- although your description of current Sellwood says it's come up a lot. It was always an interesting area which is probably why it drew the people to make it into what it sounds like it is today. Gotta get up there one of these days.

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