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November 25, 2006


My husband and I quit buying each other gifts years ago for the reasons you mentioned. It was an added pressure for the holidays that we didn't need. But we do for the kids and grandkids and already my mind is going-- hmmm what do we buy this year? Usually we ask what our grown kids want and then try to get it but that doesn't seem like a good idea now as they have the money to buy what they want. (last year we mutually exchanged gift certificates... did that make sense?) So this year it'll be all things I feel good about buying but probably still get grandkids what they asked for.

But we will still be doing gifts for them all-- unless they decide otherwise at some point.

Decades ago, my family abandoned giving gifts based upon a sense of obligation. If it takes a holiday or birthday to drive gift-giving, something is wrong with one's motivations for giving. The same goes for expectations of receiving gifts.

Ebeneezer Scrooge would be proud.

Hi, as much as I appreciate your comments on not buying at Christmas, what is the reason for Christmas?? It is not when Jesus was born but a pagan day.. Read Jer 10 1-5..The christmas tree was where they sacrificed babies under it.
Nowhere in scripture does it show Jesus celebrating his birth., If it is not important to him then we shouldn't do it either.
Easter was not when he died but a pagan celebration too! He died on the passover, the feasts he asks us to keep which we have forgotten. If anyone wants more info. [email protected]

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