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October 18, 2006


I read the original version of this over at Blue Oregon and was wondering what you had against 44. I guess we're in agreement.

Suttle Lake is beautiful. Wouldn't it be nice to reign in the poisonous political spending of all those nasty polluting companies that are currently contributing to Ron Saxton's campaign (the OLCV website can show you which ones)?

Please read yesterday's Salem S-J editorial on measures 46 & 47. It says it all.

Vote no on everything else if you like. But vote YES on 46 & 47 and help our state go from worst to first in terms of campaign & election reform.

Without some sensible restrictions in place, every other issue remains secondary. Oregon is simply being held hostage to big-money politics...please don't believe the double-speak of the many self-interested political operatives (left and right) who have unfairly maligned these measures.

Vote YES on measures 46 & 47...

activist kaza, I'm sympathetic to your arguments about 46 & 47. We thought about these measures quite a bit. In the end they just seemed too complicated and too restrictive of free political speech.

Plus, didn't I read in the Oregonian that one of the original sponsors has changed his tune and now opposes the measures?

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