Be sure to check out SearchMash, Google’s lightly publicized search testing ground. I just learned about it a few days and already I’m hooked.
It’s a Zen-ified Google. Simpler, purer, more direct.
Just start typing anywhere and you’re typing into the search box. Cool. No click and type.
Do a web page search and some images often will pop up on the right side. No need to do a separate image search. Nice. (But my “Brian Hines” search revealed a guy who doesn’t look a whole lot like me.)
Get to the end of the first ten search results, click on “more web pages,” and bingo!, there they are. Ten more scroll into view. No waiting for a new page to load. Lovely.
Google, if this is the direction you’re heading, keep it up. Don’t know how you’re going to make money without ads, but this frequent search engine user is willing to pay you a few bucks a year to keep SearchMash ad free.
And thanks for throwing in an unexpected SearchMash gift. Just now I visited the site and saw a hitherto unseen invitation to explore common searches by other users. “Why not?” I told myself.
Exploring away, on its own SearchMash offered up this page. Sweet. It’s almost as if SearchMash could read my male mind. Maybe that’s Google’s next technical breakthrough. If so, a lot of women are going to be grateful.