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October 26, 2006


Very cool, Laurel! You did a very nice job.


"She wasn't wild about how she looked on TV, though. Few people are."

I'll bet she smacked you a good one for that! :)

She looked just fine and made good sense. I just wish we could undo that measure as it worries me where it'll end up. People thought it was about one person being able to build one extra house for family or on land they bought earlier for that purpose but it has turned out to be a developer's dream. It's all about making a lot of money for a few people and leaving behind nightmares for the rest of us.

Dan, I get smacked--figuratively--for many things by my wife. But she was the one who kept saying, "Ooh, I don't like how I look, how I keep nodding my head."

The biggest smack risk to me was putting the news clip out for public viewing, not commenting about how Laurel saw herself.

Still, a husband always should seek wifely redemption, even if it doesn't seem to be needed (since I'll surely require redemption credits soon, if not now).

So I'll say, sincerely and truly, that Laurel looks much, much better in person than on that news segment. Every day I feel grateful that I'm married to a woman who looks way younger than her years.

And I'm grateful you and your wife are pursuing this issue, all joking aside. :)

Both California and Idaho have measures on their mid-term ballots that are similar to Measure 37. California's, called Proposition 90, is exactly like Measure 37 and has some of the same scare tactic ads that were used in Oregon. I was streaming KGO810 from San Francisco and I thought I was having deja vu. I heard a report out of Sun Valley, Idaho at a city planning meeting where they were all set to pass a city-wide ordinance LIMITING houses to 12,000 square feet in size. Except the meeting was packed with developers who convinced city planners that rich people should be allowed "to realize the fruits of their labors and build trophy homes." The report stated that they wanted to table any more land use legislation until Idaho voters have a chance to vote on their land use measure called Measure 2 (I believe), similar to Measure 37. Is this the new wild wild west?

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