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October 30, 2006



Publish more Belly dancing pics! Or, I will be forced to report you to the proper Authorities.

Roger, hope a link will keep me out of ballot-copying jail:

They say, "her costume is far from Egyptian."

Yes, I'll agree with that. Though if Egyptians start dressing like this, it could be a boon to tourism.

Brian, thanks for pic. Yes, her outfit is rather skimmpie.

Extortion Never Ends!!!!

I now is requiring more pics in the future of Serena and the great Oregon outdoors.

Or, the Goonies shall be knocking..........

Consumers Union, the nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports magazine supports Measure 42 and urges your YES vote.

The idea of banning credit scoring in insurance did not originate with Bill Sizemore. It has been heavily debated in statehouses around the country in the last few years. Unfortunately, the insurance industry has mostly had its way on the issue due to its well funded cadre of lobbyists opposing this important consumer protection effort.

So now Oregon has become the flashpoint for the issue nationally. The insurance industry is anxiously awaiting the outcome of their multi million dollar campaign to misinform Oregon voters about what Measure 42 does and they're banking that their effort to turn this into an anti-Sizemore referendum pays off. What they're really worried about is that this is the first time in the nation the issue of banning credit scoring in insurance is in the hands of the very people who are affected by this horrible practice. They're worried you will send them packing in a way that members of the legislature didn't. The voters have the power to say no to the insurance industry, but they're betting you won't.

So what's it going to be? Will you hand this victory to the insurance industry even if it goes against your own interest as a consumer, or will you take a stand and vote YES on Measure 42?

Please visit our website to become informed, and exercise your right to be the decider.

Yes on Measure 42.

Norma Garcia
Senior Attorney
Consumers Union

To access Consumers Union's website,
go to www.consumersunion.org

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