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October 28, 2006


Great job! I am impressed by your site and your work. I am telling as many of my left leaning friends who are in their right minds about your site.

I know the German police, the Dutch police, the Frence police too...So far the German police can act very disturbing, like most police everywhere I guess, but they are indeed very capable of handling difficulties, both physically and mentally, conversation wise I mean. Is the US police really as bad as I always hear??

Imagine this(in a 3rd world country);

A mini-van(taxi) carrying 13 people is travelling along the Highway
when 4 men who are standing along the road, wave at the driver to
pull over. He does not know who they are, and afraid of being robbed and caring about the safety of his passengers, speeds ahead instead of stopping. The four men open fire, killing one passenger and seriously wounding two others. The driver goes to the closest police station, only to find that the four men were policemen. They thought someone onboard had drugs. Didn't show ID; weren't in uniform. Didn't try to blockade the van or shoot the tires. And no drugs were found onboard.

Well, I love the cops in my part of the world....

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