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September 17, 2006


An OK picked up the ball AFTER the whistle had blown. Even in their video you can see the official coming in from the side to signal a clock stoppage before the ball is picked up. Frankly, just look at how the player reacts. He doesn't exactly react like someone who just sealed a big win.

Maybe this is a nitpick, but I'd say it was a game Oregon was fortunate to win. Under no circumstances would I say they did not deserve it. There's a difference, IMO. Even with the call, Dixon still had to lead them on two scoring drives in less than two minutes, and it took him 22 seconds. They stuffed the new Heisman leader (Peterson) on a run for position for the FG, and then blocked the FG. Perhaps they got breaks to put them in position to win, but Oregon worked hard for the win long after that moment.

There's no doubt Oregon is a BCS-caliber team at this point; it's just a matter of staying together and playing hard--which is why yesterday's game is so exciting. Those kinds of games make champions down the road.

David, I bet you're right. But that sure isn't how the Oklahoma TV guys were announcing it on the link I shared. I too wondered why the guy looked so lackadaisical, but the OK announcers treated the video like it was proof that Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy.

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