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September 04, 2006


Ten minutes later the ambulance pulled up. Pretty darn good for the country.

Hmmm..... if it were a cardiac arrest, he'd be dead. Not sure that 10 minutes is really an acceptable standard, is it?

They definitely did good as I see it. Given traffic and all, even in town, 10 minutes would probably not be unusual. We also live out-- way out-- and it's the local volunteers who show up first and fast. But it's not like anybody can teleport emergency equipment. To add to it, sometimes there have been other emergencies.

Hopefully you will keep your readers informed as to how your neighbor fares with his injury. I keep thinking of getting horses but the risk with them is something I also keep thinking.

Kari, your thought did run through my mind: ten minutes after a cardiac arrest, you indeed likely would be dead.

However, my enthusiasm for the response time was based on reality--we live quite a ways from any town. That's our choice. If really quick access to emergency services was our top priority, we'd be living in a city.

Rain, when I get an update on his condition, I'll pass it on.

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