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September 14, 2006



Loved your discussion on the Sisters. Sounds like a great place to vacation.


I congratulate Sisters on its success, but as one who is interested in sustainability aren’t you bothered by their dependence on traffic? If it wasn’t for a seasonal flow of SUVs and mobile homes bringing tourists to the cutesy little shops, would Sisters dry up and blow away? Do they have any indigenous commerce, industry, productivity, or GDP other than tourism? I think there’s a speck of agriculture and logging in the area, but if it wasn’t for their ability to sell the “view” to yuppies wanting vacation or retirement homes, what resources would they have? Does their success come at the expense of gasoline-induced global detriment? Even the artisans that reside there must ship their wares out to the rest of the world. Did they plan as a conscious alternative to “doing whatever they wanted”, or did they do the only thing that limited resources and high traffic flow would bear?

Just wondering,


My in-laws live in Redmond, not too far from Sisters. Whenever we visit them, it is always a pleasure to drive over to Sisters. We live in Chicago, so the small town atmosphere is very refreshing; people are polite and (gasp!) friendly and willing to cut an out-of-towner a break. I love walking around visiting all the shops and there are some absolutely incredible local artists. I look forward to visiting again soon, and encourage others to do the same. It's a great town!

Yes, Sister's is a great place for out-of-towners to visit. Should that be the driving force behind all development?

I don't think property owners should be forced to accomodate outsiders. It's obnoxious. Encouraged, yes, and adopt building codes to foster attractive downtowns. But I don't think Sisters should be held up to people in, say, Pendleton, as everything a small western town should be, based on the fact that they've become a tourist town that people from New York think is real "cute".


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