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August 09, 2006



Don't they have a policy (limited?) of letting fires burn when started in a wilderness area?

I'm not sure how they decide to intervene, but as you mention, some fires are healthy for the Ponderosa eco-system.

Yes, Michael, I think this is true. The forest service employee told me that when the fire was in the wilderness area, some resources (such as bulldozers) were held back for environmental reasons.

But also because the terrain was steep and dangerous. The risk to fire fighters was too great.

So when Lars Larson spouted off (as I heard one day) about how the Black Crater fire was exacerbated by environmental laws, there is a tiny bit of truth to that. As is true of Lars generally, just a tiny bit, though.

I have just moved to pa. from foster, oregon. heard of the fire on the news.
do you have any pictures for me to see?
thank you

You must have caught Lars on a good day if you heard a tiny bit of "truth."

Wildfire? Exactly! Lightning caused fires will continue to burn up the dead and dying wood throughout Central Oregon. Perhaps the Forest Service should instigate a forest management plan whereas the funds from timber sales are used to beef up the fire defense fund?

No this would not work because if Forests were managed correctly fire fighting equipment would not be such a concern. Then what would they do with the Timber sale money.....public school funding perhaps?

I can asure you that the Fires that burn within your region are not the fault of Gearge Bush....Look to the sky...the cause of the fires comes from way beyond George.

Karole, a belated response to your query about photos of the Black Crater fire (which has been fully contained for several days). Just came across this web site that has some good photos:


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