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August 29, 2006


I gotta disagree.

I can't watch Colbert. His cadence is irritating and honestly, he gives me a headache. I see the satire and get the humor..but its just not as funny as Stewart. Not for me anyway.

Different strokes, eh?

Carla, I'm shocked! Also, I'm thankful. That we're not married to each other. Luckily Laurel and I agree that The Colbert Report is more enjoyable to watch than The Daily Show, so when we only have time to see one program, it's Colbert.

We find Colbert's interviews vastly more intelligent and interesting than Stewart's. Colbert is much more spontaneous and unscripted. And he doesn't rely on tired gags like The Daily Show does.

We don't like the stupid voice-overs by The Daily Show "translator," or those ridiculous segments where a "reporter" stands in front of a Baghdad (or wherever) backdrop and babbles unfunny stuff.

For us, the appeal of Colbert is his irony. He makes fake news appear less fake than Stewart. The Daily Show has become a parody of itself: fakey fake news. Colbert sticks with a well-crafted O'Reilly like persona and makes it work without silly gags.

But like you said, different strokes. Don't worry. I won't put you on notice for disagreeing with me.

Have to disagree - and not in an "A is better than B" sort of way.

They're different shows.

The Daily Show is a 'fake' news show that gets most of its laughs out of highlighting the absurdity of much of the "real" news of our leaders, events, etc.

The Colbert Report is almost pure satire.

They're both sharp, brilliant, and hilarious, and I miss them both (LOTS!) when they have time off.

Like this week. :((

The Daily Show is the precusor. Without the work that Jon Stewart has done and continues to do The Colbert Report couldn't exist. Though, the Daily Show is weaker without Colbert and Rob Courdry. Gotta stay loyal to Jon. He's to modern political satire what Rosa Parks was to the civil rights movement.

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