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August 17, 2006


It's scary and I can only think the ones who voted for this had never driven through California or any of the other western states without such protection where development has always ruined farm and ranch land in the name of the highest dollar. Some of those who voted for the measure should work hardest in penance and also watch the Tim Burton version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. When they get to the place where one of the old grandfathers tells Charlie to take his tour instead of the money offered for the ticket because more money can always be made but not more tours like that... For those who voted in Measure 37 replace that with land and repeat it over and over until they 'get' it!

These people are not doing anything now with measure 37 that they were not entitled to do when they bought their properties back in the early 70's and before. I find it rather strange that there are a few people out there who think that 61% of Oregonains were "hoodwinked" into thinking the measure was different than what it stated. Does not say much for your fellow Oregonian who is desperately opposed to more revenue, jobs and opportunities that are much needed in our floundering state of Oregon

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