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July 20, 2006


Granted i don't read every line - but did i miss the outcome of the LYME test? You got us in suspense here, and it's not like we donn't care. Are we gonna be ok? back to the topic at hand. I've often felt astounded at the sense of loss that surprisingly appears when something you hate isn't there anymore.
I am still figuring it out. Some of the conclusions i have come to is:
-it IS a relationship
-there must be an element of it that serves one
-somehow the exchange is rewarding
-i did enjoy it...?
I know the above shocked the fuck out of ME.

I,too, spent 20 years on the other side of a weedwhacker/lawmower, mowing alongside a 1/8 mile driveway, attacking 400 feet of blackberries, exhaustive scotchbroom eradication program, battling tics and foxtails, swearing, working up a steam of resentment and sweat ... I remember the day we left our six-acre farm my husband threw the tools in the half-finished shed and cheered ... But, you know what? I wish I still had those damn things, they would be ever so helpful on my little island homesite! And the sense of accomplishment after a day strapped onto the monsters was pure delight!! I love your posts, they always spark a synapse in the old cathode.

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