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July 14, 2006


I love it when people comment on the blogs I write for. Its feedback and debate and new ideas--which spark me immensely.

I don't comment enough on other's blogs either. Perhaps I'll make that my Fall Resolution.

Carla, thanks for commenting! It wouldn't have surprised me that, with all of my past failing to comment karma, I didn't get a single comment on this post.

I am also one of those people that enjoy immensely other people's blogs, yet fail to comment, and bemoan the dearth of comments at my own blog. I vow to rectify my negative karma. I read your blog regularly and enjoy your point of view on many topics. Thanks for posting

I love comments on my blog-- especially those who add thoughts to mine or disagree or whatever as they give me something more to think about. Sometimes their comments are more impressive than my original thoughts. It's like icing on the cake. I also generally read comments on any blog I read. It's rare that people do comment as I visit one blog where the woman said she had had like 8000 hits that month and there were a maximum of 5 to 10 who posted anything each day. Of course, guess that's good as who could read 8000 comments...

Rain, your comment opened my eyes to your own blog:

It's terrific. I love your art and your photography. And what you write about.

I'm looking forward to more "guest posts" by your friend. His take on creation, as channeled through you, is interesting. And quite believable.

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