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June 28, 2006


the flag burning thing is the dumbest that congress comes up with about um.. every five years or so. Wonder when it will be put to bed finally?

I was also not pleased to see it only failed by one vote. Do these guys really have nothing better to do there than debate and vote on something so meaningless? With all the problems facing this nation, I am sure most citizens could give them some suggestions. This was pandering at it's worst. Very similar to a lot of what they do-- posture pose and strut

At the risk of committing a blog-comment faux pas, I'd like to repeat something I posted on a righty blog yesterday since you used the same wedding-ring analogy.

"The difference for me is, I LOVE my wife, and I CHOSE to be with her. The wedding ring means something. The flag? It just represents the corporate-controlled government, run by murderers and thieves, that holds sway over the land where I was born. I didn't choose this place. I didn't choose them. I didn't choose the society or the culture into which I was born. The flag to me is more a symbol of tyranny and oppression than anything else."

Now, would I waste a lot of time acquiring a flag and then burning it just to piss people off? Probably not. But if someone else is so inclined, I'll definitely bring the marshmallows.

The wedding ring analogy is a great one. I'm imagining a mugger pointing a gun at my wife and demanding our wedding rings. Would I risk her life to defend the rings? No.

No sense risking our constitutional rights to protect the flag - which is a just a symbol of those rights.

Thanks for this.

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