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April 16, 2006


What!? Easter isn't about an egg-laying bunny??!! My bubble is burst! And here I was worshipping a platypus-like creature (except in rabbit form) which I find better than worshipping a God that is as of yet, unproven to me. A professor at the University of New Mexico once equated worshipping the Christian god to worshipping a "glowing blob in the center of the universe".
And, the Easter Bunny leaves candy!

By the way, nice job on the dog room! I like what I've seen of your house. Wanna do mine?

Eric, thanks for the compliment, but we paid someone to install the tile. We just did the finishing up work: grout sealing, molding, and furniture moving. Believe me, you don't want us messing around with your house. We're better at demolishing than constructing.

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