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April 06, 2006


This is why I have hopped on the Michael Smith Bandwagon... Thanks!

you said it all well! Frustrating times indeed

One thing that hasn't been mentioned enough is that the provision for turning illegal immigrants into felons was a poison pill that got far more votes from Democrats than Republicans. See:


This one of the main factors fueling the demonstrations. See:

Why is it not more widely reported how cynical and manipulative the Democrats have been?

Not necessarily focusing on immigration but here are two contrarian views to the perception that the Dems are totally inept



I've been rolling this immigration thing over in my head for weeks now...and I can't seem to find a way to write about it satisfactorily. I'm thinking perhaps it has to do with the fact that the Dems have been so terribly awful on this issue...I feel as if I have no progressive place to go.

It reminds me of the Bankruptcy Bill that Congress passed (and David Wu, my Congressman voted for). I can't forgive them for that..and this feels like a piling on.


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