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March 29, 2006


Bravo! What a ridiculous law. Most of these landowners also claim to prefer Oregon's scenic beauty over California sprawl, but are blinded by the dollar signs in their eyes.

Yep, the M37 claims are based on an artificial monopolist's windfall that was never anticipated by the property owners when they acquired their property. Proper M37 "damage" measurement should be based on the assumption that no other properties have restrictions either. The problem is, even if your neighbor's claim was cut by 95%, due to M5, M50, etc., there's no money to pay even modest claims. That's why every M37 claim results in waiver of the regulations. Welcome to modern Oregon - all major political decisions are by reactionary mob rule driven by special interest-funded tv sound bytes (but don't get me started).

I agree with everything you say, but try and put it in 3 line sound bite. 64% of Oregonians believe land use planning is a good thing, however the proponents of Measure 37 were able to frame it as a fairness issue.
The conservative spinmeisters are great at selling individualism over the shared valuses of the "Commons".

Where I don't understand the fairness of the ones who want to subdivide their farms for big profits is that for years farmland has benefitted from cheaper taxes and still does. Will the subdividers now have to pay all that difference back to the state? No talk of that but wouldn't that be fair? If they had to, some might think twice on their profiting at the expense of everyone else.

Nice piece! I covered it and other M37 subtopics this afternoon at Loaded Orygun:

Carry on!

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