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March 15, 2006


I agree with what you are saying, but we have got to vote for the party that can beat the republicans next time-- ball-less or not. There were too many votes wasted by voting for Ralph Nader in the election that brought us Bush to begin with. It's time to get practical. I wish the democrats offered more (Obama could be promising for '08); but if in the coming election, you vote for an independent-- as things stand now-- you are putting back in the incumbent-- which is fine if he/she was a democrat but if it's a republican, you are talking about the next supreme court nominee. So think hard on that thrown away vote.

Rain, I hear what you're saying. And I'll probably draw in my balls, grit my teeth, and vote Democratic in the end. But I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing "grow some balls" sentiments to the Dem leadership. The real threat of progressives defecting has to be there before they'll change their wussy ways.

no, i agree with you totally. They irritate me right now and I would like to see them get some backbone too. I would also love to see a viable third party, but right now it's not going to happen, and it's only going to take away from the votes that could get the party in power out... It scares me if they get more years of absolute control-- which is what they appear to want.

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