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February 07, 2006


Dear Brian,
For some starving people, even pictures of food are pursued - even though they cannot alleviate the hunger. I am reminded somehow of some of Howard Bloom's theses in his book, The Lucifer Principle. Neither the world - nor ourselves - are usually "given" as we (most) might wish. Your second cousin (once removed) may be deliriously happy in her life. It's hard to know/judge. Robert Howard

I often question typepad about the count. When it's really high I go back and count the individual entries and sometimes it's off by a factor of 4 or 5. They never give me an answer as to why this is. Today it's 146 total but in actuality no more than 40.

Oh, great. Now you tell me, Randy. I've never counted up the day's list of entries. You might well be right. In which case my 500,000 celebration is premature. Well, who cares? I've already had my half-million party--in my own blogging mind, where it counts.

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