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February 23, 2006


I don't speak German and the pile of books I'm supposed to get to is unwieldy. But next time I do an Amazon run and I'm under the amount to qualify for "free shipping", you're in the cart! LOL

I do make a really good german noodle dish that I learned from my former mom in law. Is that decent substitute for not speaking the language? :)

Danke, gut. Wer ist denn das da druben? Das ist Franz. Er ist ein freund von mir. Wie geht es, Franz? Prima!

Oh, schon wieder gaste! Sie essen kuchen und trinken kaffe. Und mutter will immer das wir vorspielen. Es is so peinlich, und wir haben immer lampenfieber.

cg, sounds like you were in my high school German class. The way I remember the "45" record that I listened to so many times went something like this (forgive the long forgotten spelling):

Guten tag, Luisa, Wie gehts?
Wer ist din das da druben?
Das ist ein freund von mir, Paul Schmidt.

And so it went. Even after four years, I never learned to speak German very well. But I sure memorized that conversation between Luisa and her friend, though after such a long time I'm missing some lines from the beginning.

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