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February 27, 2006


¡Qué bueno, che! Having German roots is by no means incompatible with the tango spirit. There's plenty of German blood in Argentina and has been for a long time. There's a big German community around Córdoba, as well as down south. Same is true of Chile. In the town of Frutillar in southern Chile I saw a wooden chalet with Schiller's Ode to Joy (which Beethoven adapted for his Choral Symphony, #9) engraved right around the building below the roof.

Idler, thanks for the reassurance. I indeed unfairly, and largely unconsciously, associated my Germanic heritage with a certain rigidity that is at odds with Latin looseness.

However, I was talking with a even more pure-blooded friend of German heritage on Sunday about tangoing, and he said that he loves to swing dance, which is hang-loosey also.

So you're absolutely right--tango and Germanness go together. I will do my best to embrace all sides of me.

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