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January 17, 2006


At least you're not Dave Gorman.

Goe, can't count that high.

very interesting post and thoughts regarding how names might impact who we are-- or not. I went looking for my name to see who else had it; and my born name, not even I seem to have it... but my married name had a lot of entries (none of which was me). The most upsetting was a woman killed by a horse kick in Montana who not only has my name but loved going to visit Montana as I do, backpacking in, and had a thing about horses which I have but in my case, from a, at least for now, safer distance.

I read your post also about meeting your father and have to say it brought tears to my eyes. How sad that you and he missed so much in each other's life; but you seem to have an insightful way of looking at it that makes it all seem as positive as it could be. Some believe whatever happens, it was how we intended it to be. Not sure I agree though. Some say a lot *s*

wow, being a brian hines myself, imagine my embarassment being a moody blues fan myself and never realizing the founder of the band shared my namesake! it sent me running for my cd's to read some liner notes! thank you for highlighting some of our more colorful namesakes, i had no idea anyone with my name had written any books or done anythingworthy of mention...what a surprise!
thank you so much! Brian Alan Hines , Des Moines, Iowa

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