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December 08, 2005


I decided a long time back that the best way to watch her on any discussion program was with sound off :)

There's still talk of her being a man...

I don't know, it's hard for me to find someone attractive when such abhorent thoughts are spewed from her mouth and pen.

Not. Not at all. Blonde hair and anorexia do not a hottie make.


I'm of two minds about Ms. Coulter.
When I look at her, I think she's smoking.
But when I listen to her, I think she's smoking something.

Interesting comments.

I have only heard her speak for 10-15 seconds at a time. I get the impression that she is like a lot of speakers. The only way they keep getting gigs, is to say things that everyone loves to hate.

Its like it is more about getting more speaking gigs than making sense.

Hmmm, maybe she would be good at selling bad used cars. ???

Elder Norm

I'm a right-winger who thinks she's sort of hot, in theory. But I also find when she opens her mouth, my libido goes South. Now, if Rush looked like her . . . who's to say?


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