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November 04, 2005


Big News!!!

YOU?? were able to "work up a major case of irritation at Bush ..."?

I imagine "working up" that level of irritation involves "waking up" for you.

You would find a reason for a "major case of irritation" at Bush if he personally administered a flu shot to you in your living room within five minutes of your request. I'm sure that the heart-rending scene of the old and infirm in line in the rain prompted YOU into action. Give up your place in line to one of them, did you? I guess standing in line for anything would be a shock to your privileged system. How inconvenient for you! For most of us, especially in connection with "public" anything (see DMV, etc.), it's just the "way things are".

I was in a Thriftway last week and there were two Seniors and a high school age kid in line at 4PM on a Thursday. Has it crossed your mind that Fred Meyer, Safeway and other, effectively "public" places are much more acessible to a larger cross section of the population? Particularly to those with fewer resources than you who may not have (their) "own family doctor"? Bitch about things that matter.

The reason you weren't able to "raise the consciousness of your fellow line-standers" is that they HAVE connected the dots and weren't interested in another pouting "progressive" whose hate for Bush is his sole justification for living.

Get over it!


Pity about the flu shortages, because where common flu vaccines are really needed is in South Asia. If we could vaccinate all at-risk poultry workers, we could greatly reduce the chance of pandemic flu. http://www.greenhealth.org.uk/AvianFlu.htm

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