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October 07, 2005


Happy Birthday again. Hope you got our card and the pictures.

Your loving Sister and Brother-in-Law
Carol Ann and Bob

Why not try something natural first, something with saw palmetto. Why risk side effects?

Check side effects http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic2/tamsul_ad.htm

Randy, thanks for the side effects link. I've been using saw palmetto and pygeum for many years. So whatever benefits those herbs provide, I've gotten them.

I appreciate your concern about side effects, and share them. Maybe I'm not understanding the info on the link you shared, but it looks to me like the placebo group had just about as many "side effects" as the Flomax group.

For some reason I didn't see calculations of statistical significance, though some differences were obviously significant--like retrograde ejaculation. That sounded pretty undesirable, but it basically means ejaculating inward, into the bladder.

Isn't this what Tantra advises? Preserving your vital fluid? Maybe Flomax will lead me to Tantric enlightenment. I'm taking a .4 mg dose, which is lower than .8 (obviously). Last night I did feel a bit dizzy after getting out of bed, which can be a side effect. I'll keep an eye on the pros and cons of Flomax.

It's important with herbs, I understand, to make sure the product contains a "standardized dose" so that you truely are getting the benefit. I doubled up on the recommended saw palmetto dose a while back and that seemed to make a difference. (I think for the retrograde ejaculation you need to take a drug called Backflowmax). According to Philosophy of the Masters Great Master was pretty keen on retaining that vital fluid. A bit too keen if you ask me.

Thanks for the laugh. Guys will be 57 in june. The smaller fingers thing sounds good. Flomax 5 yrs or so.

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