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September 18, 2005


I would encourage everyone to check out the Hybrid Escape from Ford. It is already the best sellng small suv. Don't count out Ford. My neighbor has one and it is great.

In a time of conservative control of all three branches of government, let's just be thankful that national security and environmentalism have a common interest in reducing petroleum use.

Beware of hidden expenses! And really bad warranties! I love my Mariner Hybrid; until my check brake light went off! After replacing the rotors and the pads; which in my mind were routine maintenance things, the warning light was still on. The dealership informed me that the ABS Modulator Valve needed to be replaced; normally a $400.00 to $500.00 part. The unique nature of this part made the repair $4,690.00. BUYERS BEWARE; because Ford Motor Company does not warranty this part under its Unique Hybrid Extended Warranty!

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