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September 20, 2005


That's some lovely photographery. Thanks for sharing it. Hope that your lush photos and calming description don't cause a stampede to ... wherever Jack Creek is.

Wonderful photography...thanks for sharing it.

I just found this spot this last weekend. It is wonderful it did not burn. I don't know if it had extra fire fighting around it, but likely it would have made no difference. The perennially wet soils there support an amazing set of species you would expect to find dozens of miles to the west: hemlocks (giving it the Japanese garden feel in an arid landscape), gorgeous huge western white pine, and large Douglas-fir. People should tread lightly here!

I've hiked to the head of Jack Creek twice now, and plan on hiking it again sometime this month. I whole-heartedly agree that it's the most beautiful place in Central Oregon. Above that, both times I've been there I have been filled with a sense of peace and wonder that I've never experienced anywhere else. The pictures (above) are beautiful, but like the ones I've taken, do not quite dipict the awesome beauty of the area. This is an easy walk and is one I would highly recommend.

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