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August 26, 2005


In regards to homeopathy, I have to say that it works for some, but not for others and depending on which ones you try, you may have to go through a crap load to find the one that works for you. I have tried just such a load and have found one that works for ME every fart-knocking time, hands down, no question about it- it NEVER fails me, ever. I've also found one that works for my step son that seems to work for him every single time too. So, I don't know what to say about all this hoopla, my husband told me the same thing about homeopathy, but, what am I to do if the one I use for a particular ailment works every time, works every time? I've tried a gazillion that didn't do jack, but, the one that does work, works.

Regarding the "hot dog" comment. I also have a dog who enjoys lying in the hot sun. His name is Bilbo (named after that lovable hobitt). I see your dog is light colored. So is Bilbo. His brother Baku (not named for a lovable hobitt) is black and does not enjoy the sun. Bilbo will lay out in it until he is extremely hot, then come in and seek out the coolest, darkest room in the house (generally a bathroom). I think he's just weird.

And speaking of weird, it is genetically ingrained in every man to want to spread his seed (an evolutionary adaptation, or at least I like to blame it on that) but to refuse a threesome? That defies logic! Bring on Jessica and Angelina!

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