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August 15, 2005


I have more of a concern the idiot Islamic terrorists (that liberals never criticize) will start blowing up innocent people in the streets of the USA.


Looks like some conservative is telling you what he thinks liberals think. Look up the definition of the word liberal.

We're just as likely to suffer another attack from a Tim McVeigh as we are from a Mohammed Atta.

You obviously don't have anything better to do than bash liberals.

Well, I must admit that I feel encouraged that Bush's national rating is at an all-time low!

Just maybe..folks are beginning to see the "writing on the wall" and that this man isn't the incarnation of Jesus after all!

And, hopefully, in the long run, this will be the demise of the religious right as the majority party (aka Republican party) in this country.

Yep, I tend to be an optimist!

What I think is interesting is that even though we have a fundamentalist in the White House and they seem to be running the show in Washington, they still keep complaining about being so put down and treated so badly in our country. They complain as though the "godless" and liberals are running the country and not allowing them to live their "holy" way. I think its funny cause their the ones with the power and organization. All the rest of us are unorganized cause we like our independence.

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