Congratulations to Bill Long, a friend and fellow Salemite, for placing second—once again—in the 2005 National Senior Spelling Bee. As Bill notes in his “Speller’s Diary,” the national winner, David Riddle, also won the 2005 Oregon Spelling Bee.
Hey, what is a California attorney doing in an Oregon spelling bee? Isn’t there a state law against such a thing? If not, there should be. But Riddle does seem like a deserving champion. Anyone who can spell “mulligatawny” (a soup) correctly gets a bow from me.
Well, Bill can take heart in being the poster boy for the 2005 National Senior Spelling Bee. He might even be called a senior speller heartthrob. That furrowed brow and concentrated expression almost sends a chill up my own thoroughly heterosexual spine (Note: I said almost). And he got some nice coverage in a pre-bee national story.
Bill is single, so I expect he’ll be attracting some Senior Spelling groupies. If you want to know more about Bill, his bio and contact info are here.
I’m pleased to be one of Bill’s friends. He’s a member of a monthly “Salon” discussion group that Laurel organized and almost always comes up with creative, well-reasoned, highly intelligent observations. Except when I disagree with him, then, naturally, he’s a freaking idiot.
Better luck next year, Bill.