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June 06, 2005


well i don't know where to start. i was trying to find info on another topic, when unfortanetly found this site. i'm not real sure as to why i even bother to mail you. you wont ever change my mind and i'll probably never change your opinion. you are obviously a very opinionated and stubborn person. lets just say book smart, self taught.
looked at your figures on animals killed by wildlife services and tax dollars wasted, june 6 2005. kinda of funny your numbers really come close to actual figures i got also, only all but about ten of those were killed by wildlife services. for time and space i'm only going to talk cougar kills, because you only get further from the truth on the other species. in this particular article you talk about "where is the problem?" as you obviously pointed out cougar numbers continue to rise even with kills going up, answer there is no more hunting with hounds. sounds like the cougars are doing good despite the state selling 34,000 tags. i hope your not going to still insist that wildlife services killed all those and hey just how much of your tax dollars do you think was yours in all of this? how many hunting foundations do you belong to? how many hours a year do you spend on habitat restoration? a large percent of money spent on tags goes back into wildlife services. if you didnt buy a hunting license you can cut your bitching in half, for now!
now i'm going to give you the benefit of doubt when you say 2.7% livestock are actually maulled or killed. but growing up in a very rural area i would have to disagree and i'm not going to go into the detail how bad that effects the income on a small time rancher. i have also saw the 9 1/2' tall fences that were built by the homesteaders in my area. (probably more than a 2.7% problem back before cougars were being more regulated by wildlife services.) nobody needs to worry about cougar attacks either huh? when my friend and i were 10 yrs. of age he had his dog attacked and killed by a cougar not more than 12' away from him. but that was 21 yrs ago, with a growing number of cougars i'm sure my kids will have nothing to worry about!
you are a very narrowed minded person and not nearly as smart as you think you are. you just try to sell your beliefs and opinions to anybody that will buy into it. you dont sound much different than the christians you smash on do you? you say being gay is natural and compare us to the animal kingdom, you say we are animals! well, if i'm an animal i'm on top of the food chain mother fucker and hunting is an animal instinct! so let me use a qoute you said in the wildlife article. "WHERES THE PROBLEM"
i personally would rather eat wild game than steroid infected farm animals any day of the week. same goes with fruit and veggies, but people like yourselves apparantly refuse to understand. bottom line killing animals is killing animals, but you probably don't own anything leather and are vegetarian, your veggies you eat didn't take away wildlife refuge where they were farmed, or your house, and i'm sure its not made of wood either.
in short i do appreciate your opinion and take on these issues, how many other animals do you know can do this?
hope you appreciated my take on the matter.
Merry CHRISTmas
Derek L.

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