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June 18, 2005


Ayup. Love that authenticity. I lived in Sisters from the 4th through the 11th grade. We left in '69. Back then it was a combination cowtown/logging town. Brooks Scanlon camp was a slum about a half mile to the west and we owned 160 acres two miles on up the McKenzie pass road, which is now owned by the Reed Brothers, two of the realtors that have made Sisters the millionaire's playground that it is today.

Indain Ford was ranch country, and (I swear I'm not making this up) the Barkleys were the Big cheeses in town, followed closely by the Hammond Ranch just to the southwest which was 240 acres of alfalfa. Cloverdale was all potato farms, and the graduating senior class was 20 strong.


I'm solidly middle class now, but I could never afford to live anywhere near where I grew up unless I were an attorney, developer, or building contractor. Since my wife and I are in the software biz, we'll just have to be content to visit once in a while and enjoy the ersatz "Western culture" at 3 mph a couple of times a year.

Don't go changing Sisters. We love your authenticity.

Sounds like you need to do a little grassroots organizing and elect different City Councilors. Nice piece.

Just spent the weekend outside of Sisters. As always, had a wonderful time, but I have to echo Pat's comments. The median home price in Sisters is well past $400,000.

You fucking snob.

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