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May 21, 2005


hi there! I just happened upon this blog today, and I must say, very refreshing to find another like mind out there. I was looking at your book, too. I am a college student myself, and I really enjoy philosophy. I am not majoring in it(I'm a scientist, and among other things, appreciate the good that stem cell research would bring), but I am taking as many classes as I can in philosophy. So perhaps at some point, I'll read your book. I wonder if it would be in the New York Public Library...

So I just wanted to say, hey!, and thanks for posting your sane views for the comfort of other sane people. ::takes a deep breath:: I am not alone in being an American who sees all this happening. Now what?

Perhaps it is somewhere else in this site, but, I must ask, how are you coping with all of this? As someone who is not only not a Christian, but also not a Jew or a Muslim, how will you continue your life amongst these horribly confused and misled people?

P.s. have you read The End of Faith by Sam Harris? I don't agree with everything he says, but he makes a strong case for why it is NOT ok to let others continue living their lives based on faith.

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