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March 26, 2005


Where can I find some of this Mole-med dry?

Paul, we've bought it from Gardens Alive:

There are other sources too, judging from a Google search on "mole med dry."

Do you know if it is safe around dogs?

Beth, I'm sure it's safe around dogs. We have a dog. She's not a big chow hound, but I've seen her sniffing the Mole-Med. It's just corn gluten, I believe, impregnated with castor oil (could be wrong about this--we haven't used it for a while; have had some success with mole bait).

Take a look @ our website!
We offer you special prices to catch your moles!

it's http://www.mollenvanger.be

HELP! My daughter wants a wedding reception
in the fron yard the end of May--the moles are having a great time, tearing-up all my attempts to beautify the grass and landscaping. I am willing to try the mole-med dry stuff, but need someone to respond to this msg about whether it makes your yard smell funny? What have I gained if all the wedding guest are sickened by the smell, but I have no more tunnels??? How
long until you see possible results? I have tried for years to put poison gum-ball size poison in their tunnels, with some small amount of positive results, but now they are taking over the entire yard!!

HELP PlEASE ASAP debbie and butch

Everett, sorry for the delayed response to your comment. My wife has been using Mole Patrol with considerable success. It's bait, sort of like what you've been using, but she finds it more effective than other brands.

Give it a try.

Expert view on mole trapping to be found on

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