Not me, but Virginia sure does. She (unless “Virginia” is a he) has a marvelous website, I love Karl Rove!, devoted to expressing her feelings for Karl. This may be the only place on earth (I certainly hope it is) where you can buy a thong with Rove’s face on it.
Virginia has a way with words: If you're feeling particularly frisky, and are needing a little extra face time with Rovey, just flip your RoveThong printed side in so he can directly address the heart of the matter. You just might find, as thousands of RoveHos have, that while Karl may indeed be 100% GOP in the Cabinet Room, dans le boudoir, his oral arguments delve deeply into the very core of thighpartisanship, and the hot button issues he simply lives to agitate.
“RoveHo”—what a chilling image. This website should be made the centerpiece of high school abstinence-only programs. Gazing upon all the photos of Rove’s visage, and reading about Virginia’s lust for him, certainly dampened my own sex drive.
Don’t miss “Virginia Wade’s Guide to Democratic Candidate Humpability,” circa December 2003. I never thought that anyone could fantasize about having sex with Joseph Lieberman. Great stuff, Virginia.