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February 15, 2005


I am from Hood River County--home of the infamous $57 million Benton Brothers claim for a subdivision on high-value EFU land. Sounds like your claimants got their real estate appraisal advice from our guys!
And we have a similar situation, part of the Benton claim land is in an area that has hardpan about two feet below ground that prohibits the use of normal septic drainfields--and its miles from town so there is not a sewer system. Some of the property is next to profitable pear orchards who will probably not be able to farm next to a big subdivision and part of it is next to the county airport (and you can find hundreds of situation across the country that show that high-density housing and airplanes don't mix). All of which points out what your comments also pointed out: there is a reason we have zoning and plan for development in a thoughtful, thorough way. I hope that you are talking to your local government and representatives in the state legislature--we have got to get them to fix this thing. There are definitely some problems with the land-use system, but with M37 the cure is worse than the disease.

Is this Marion County ARkansas?
Measure 37?

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