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February 10, 2005


Thanks for the good words. I knew that google likes links and I know of quite a few skateboard sites that link to me. I went through and see that nobody has removed my link, so I have no idea what happened. Maybe in time I will work my way back up the google ranks, but to tell you the truth, I was getting at least 20 hits a day just from google searches. I'm bummed, but like you said "At the end of the day, Google (and everything else in the world) will do what it has to do and you’ll do what you have to do.". I couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm not sure how it happened, but after 2 days of being bumped to the 23rd page of the search, I am now back at the number 2 position. Maybe I jumped the gun on telling google to kiss my ass. Thanks again for your support.

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