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December 15, 2004


Portland's city auditor now routinely posts to the internet all the campaign contribution reports filed by candidates for municipal offices (including incumbents). Here's a sample:


You folks in Salem ought to demand that this practice be taken up there immediately. (BTW, lots of real estate developers and obscene amounts on those Portland lists.)

I love what you guys do here. please everyone read up on this Lloyd Chapman Salem Mayor Candidate. He's got my vote! Sure I'd vote for mickey mouse or even minnie mouse if mickey were unavailable or just plain not uninterested-It'd beat Dictator Taylor and a her cronies making a mockery of democracy in downtown Salem. I was excited to see a challenger...I'm now ecstatic to see he is not just a candidate, he's a good one and really has a chance to win. Please visit lloydchapmanformayor.com

Follow..... www.RogerYost.com for another example of exactly what your talking about. Corporate interests and country club demogogues are controlling much of Salem.
A portion of this will also be published at www.AStoryofPower.com

Salem's should take a real good look at this issue.

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