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December 23, 2004


Great site! You have a great selection of Christmas letters. I am trying to compose my first Xmas letter and after reading some of yours I have some good idea's on what to say and how to format my letter. Thanks for the tips! :-)
Denise in Alabama

Came across your sight by accident, but I love it! I haven't laughed this hard in months.

Creative writer you are! I was looking for a way to spice up the boring Christmas letter and you certainly gave me some ideas.
Thanks and keep 'em coming!
Morris, IL

Still reading through them, but good stuff! I will say that I don't particularly agree with your thoughts about pdf, though. I've never found it to be easier reading, and the program itself has always been far too slow for my tastes. Thanks for sharing them, though!

I have been meditating for fifty years and still know NOTHING what am I doing wrong?

june, I think you're doing great! Knowing nothing implies that you are doing nothing in meditation. Or at least, not doing anything that would enable you to know anything.

I put up a post about this recently on my other blog:

Click on some of the links I included. You'll be reassured to learn that you're on the road to enlightenment! Heck, maybe already there.

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