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November 26, 2004


I serched google for house. I found this place. I posted this on a TiVo board:

I found out about this show because I got a DVD of the first show. I forget now how I got it. The DVD was putty good. So I set up my TiVo to record it. I said to may self if this gets one bad show I will be taking it off my season pass.

But all the shows have been very good! I guess it's been about 10 shows so fair.

Lets see I will try to tell how the show is. It's a doctor show and the main doctor is named House. That's the name of the show. House is a very good Doctor older then the people working under him. But he can talk in a hurtful type way right to the point to people! They would fire him but he is just too good of a doctor.

They show good inside people how they are sick. House will some times send people out to the places sick people been to find clues why they are sick. Some times they use some computer generated stuff too to show things. It looks really good. The way they use the camera is very good too on all parts of the show.

House meats with other people who work with him to talk about what the problems are why the person is sick? They try to fix it before the people die.

They picked real good people to play there parts. I don't know show type people to much. But I guess they are all new people to TV.

Give it a try. I guess some people my not like it if you don't like seeing blood type stuff.

This is just one of the shows were I think the network works hard on and hope they have a hit. It looks like they hit the jock pot on this one :)

My mine shows are the Simsons, Star Teck, and this House. I like info. type shows too. Like History and discovery. It's to bad they keep canceling good Star Tecks. I know the saying, "It's continuing mission" Was a lie!

Just do a TiVo season pass search for "house". I don't think you will be disappointed.

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