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October 22, 2004


Did you count the rings to actually see how old the tree was?

Brian -- I covet the firewood you are going to get out of this. I fell a 100 foot pine at my place on Whidbey Island. Pine is a lousy firewood -- far too much resin.Oak is among the very best firewoods. Don't wait too long to split it. As it dries it gets harder and harder -- like petrified wood. I used a 14 pound splitting maul -- split it like eating an elephant one round at a time. cheers, Dave A

Brian, my husband and I are buying 4 acres that have several large fallen trees due to Hurrican Ike. We've been talking about the best eco-friendly way to get rid of them, without harming the surrounding trees or environment. Your idea of just leaving them where they lay and letting nature take care of them is perfect! We plan on leaving most of the property as is, so this is a great idea!


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