The folks at have come up with a brilliant idea that is sure to sway the swing(ing) voter. If you choose the “American Hero” option when you take the Votergasm Pledge, this is what you commit to: I pledge to have sex with a voter on election night and withhold sex from non-voters for the next four years.
OK, sign me up, since Laurel mailed in her ballot today. Votergasm offers two other options for the less patriotic, and reveals a hitherto hidden Constitutional right in a “disclaimer” section: Per the U.S. Constitution, children conceived on election night are eligible for gigantic interest-free loans from the U.S. government, and special t-shirts.
There’s a handy R-rated nine-step guide to meeting up with a fellow pledger if you aren’t already in a Votergasm-compatible relationship. And don’t pass up Ass or Trunk? An Interactive Stereotyping Game where you look at photos of pledgers and rate how Democratic or Republican they look.
This non-partisan web site reassures us that even with all the divisions splitting up the citizenry, there is a common ground that unites almost all Americans: sex.