Last night my dream became reality. Two beautiful blondes were all over me on the sofa. Yes, prayers do come true.
The only problem is that I wasn’t specific enough in my plea to the cosmos to fulfill my fantasy. One of the blondes, who happens to be my wife, was absolutely perfect. The other blonde, however, left a lot to be desired.
Not that Serena isn’t also perfect in her own right. But certain sorts of intimacy flow much better when everyone involved is a member of the same species. Nonetheless, Laurel and I had just watched a PBS special on puppies that emphasized how close is the bond between people and dogs.
We learned that dogs are the most social of all animals, and are highly adept at adjusting to life in a human “pack.” Dogs like to be a part of whatever is going on with their human companions, a fact I can confidently testify to after forgetting to put Serena out at the appropriate moment.
That moment wasn’t the moment I felt a leg on my chest and a large nose (not Laurel’s) burying itself in the side of my neck. There is a time when it would be great to be pawed by a blonde who just doesn’t want to leave you alone. The paw, though, shouldn’t have claws. And it should be the right time.
Note to self: remember to put the dog out. You’ll know when.